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SCCL Misconduct Information


Player Misconduct


Suspensions are served in the following manner:

  • Player IS NOT permitted at the game in any fashion while serving a suspension.
  • Player is not eligible for club pass until the suspension is served. 
  • A red card earned as a club pass player requires the suspension be served with the player’s team of record.

Red Card Accumulations for Individual Players:

  • Red Card #1:  1-game suspension (minimum) 
  • Red Card #2:  An additional one-game suspension added.
  • Red Card #3:  A ban for the remainder of the seasonal year. 

Yellow Card Accumulations:

  • After the fifth yellow card in a season,  a player is suspended for one game.
  • Three additional yellow cards will result in a two-game suspension.

In the Case of Multiple Game Suspensions the suspended participant has the right to offer additional documentation to defend their actions.

  • The accused participant will have until Wednesday by 10 AM  after the match to present evidence for defense.
  • Allegations and all evidence will be reviewed by the SCCL Board.
  • Evidence that can  be reviewed:
    • Referee reports
      • Referees should gather all evidence and file the report with the Referee assignor; assignor will forward to the league.
    • Video
      • The standard when using video as evidence in SCCL Disciplinary Committee investigations or appeals is that the evidence is clear and convincing. When sending the SCCL Disciplinary Committee video for an appeal, the entire video and time marks for the incident in question will be required. If the video is edited in any way, it will not be reviewed.
    • Statements from impartial witnesses.
  • Once the evidence is reviewed; the board will make a ruling.  If the ruling stands; the suspended participant can request a hearing.
    • Email will be sent confirming the ruling and letting the participant know that he/she can request a hearing.  That request must be made within 2 days of the email sent and by 5 PM on the second day.
    • Review To be held by virtual conference meeting
    • Meeting will be held within 14 days of request for review
      • Minimum of 3 impartial Board members sitting in on review
      • Second offense would be a suspension for the entire soccer year.

Coach Misconduct

  • Should a coach be ejected from a game (shown a red card), the coach is required to immediately leave the premises (must leave sight and sound of the field).  
  • The coach may coach other games on the day of his/her ejection.
  • The coach and league will be apprised if the suspension is for greater than one game day.
  • A second red card will be automatically assessed with a two-game suspension for all teams, starting the day after the ejection. 
  • Any coach who is ejected three times (accumulation from all teams) in a seasonal year is immediately banned from all participation in the SCCL for the remainder of the seasonal year. 

Game Forfeiture

A $250 fine and a loss recorded as 4-0 will be assessed for any game forfeiture.  This fine will be charged against the club’s SCCL Bond.


Game protests must be submitted by Tuesday at 5:00 pm following the game.  A payment of $100 must be received by the SCCL prior to consideration of the protest.  If the protest is upheld, the protest fee will be refunded.  Protests should be submitted to and checks sent to:

Southeastern Clubs Champions League
860 Johnson Ferry Rd
Suite 140-166
Atlanta, GA 30342